Saturday, January 3, 2009

After much thought...

After much thought I have decided to join Ali Edwards in choosing one word for 2009. I initially read about it last year and thought that it was a great idea, but somehow I just never got round to choosing my word.
On New Years Eve, while my DH and I were having supper, we were talking about it and about just how powerful one word could be. He decided to join in and is thinking about his word as we speak. Will let you know once he has decided.
My word for 2009? I chose 'LISTEN'. I am going to listen more.
Listen to my body.
Listen to my inner voice.
Listen to my DH and my children.
Listen to what people are saying and especially to what they are not saying.
Listen to what people are saying, up to and including the full stop, before I am going to answer. ( My dearest dad always used to tell me: "Would you listen to the full stop and stop interrupting me at the comma please!" )
Listen to the voice of God that so often comes in a whisper and can't be heard above the noise in my head.
The word listen requires that I should be quiet in order to really hear what people are saying and not formulate answers in my head before they are done speaking. This is going to be very hard for me, but I am going to try!

Then of course there is all the new years resolutions that we make and keep for about three seconds. LOL

I have decided to not make them this year, instead I am listing a few things that I want to do this year.
  • I am starting a photography course on the 27th of January. Can't wait! Hopefully I will be able to take better pictures after that. I will never be Sam E. , but there is always hope!
  • I am going to get my motorcycle license before April. April is my 50th birthday and everybody that knows me, knows that the only thing I want for my birthday is a Harley Davidson.
  • I am going to try my best to find the money to go to the class Tim Holz is presenting in Johannesburg in March. Heard via the grapevine our own Madame C is also teaching!
  • I am going to learn how to say no to my grown children.
  • I am going to try to live healthier and to make sure that DH lives a healthier life too,

Thats enough for one year, don't you think?

I actually did some scrapping today, but haven't had time to photograph it yet, will try to find some time tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. That is a great word you have chosen. We all need to LISTEN more. I think as teachers we get used to too much talking and instructing. I have also decided to choose a word this year. My word is JOY. I have so much to be happy about and yet I'm always complaining.
